Entrepeñas reservoir and dam

Reservoir located in the Alcarria Baja area of Guadalajara, in the course of the Tagus River. Inaugurated in 1958.

The dam was built in 1955 and since then the Entrepeñas Reservoir has been a major tourist attraction for Sacedón.

From the dam there are good views of the Tagus ravine and it is well worth taking a walk through its fields and looking out over the cliffs and then walking down the cliff face to the Tagus River and the Roman Bridge.

Other places in the area

¡Make the best use of your visit!

Monsalud Monastery

One of the clearest and most beautiful examples of the presence of the Cistercian order in the Iberian Peninsula.

Roman Bridge

Built in 1461, it crosses the Tagus River and connects the municipal districts of Auñón and Sacedón.

La Isabela Settlement

Ruins of an old spa, which then became a psychiatric hospital. These ruins were submerged, but are now above water again.

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